Brad’s experience working in the private sector includes 12+ years as a small business owner. He has also worked for over 20 years as the MLA for Lake Laberge, and has been Minister for a long list of portfolios.
Brad currently serves as the Yukon Party Official Opposition Critic for Finance, Health and Social Services, Agriculture, Justice, and Democratic Institutions, as well as Deputy House Leader.
Brad has previously served as Minister of Health and Social Services; Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources; Minister of Community Services; Minister of Justice; Minister for Yukon Development Corporation; Minister for Yukon Energy Corporation; Minister for Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board; Minister for Yukon Liquor Corporation and Yukon Lottery Commission, and as Government House Leader.
Prior to being elected as an MLA and for several years after, he was part owner of a wilderness tour company, Cathers Wilderness Adventures. Brad also served as the Wilderness Tourism representative on the Yukon Tourism Education Council, and won a Tourism Industry Association Yukon Golden Host Award.
Brad is known for working hard as both an MLA and a Minister, and has a long track record of delivering results for his constituents and the Yukon.

Brad (as then-Minister of Community Services) announcing delivery of two new ambulances at the Emergency Response Centre in Whitehorse, December 2014

Brad announcing Territorial Health Access Fund investments, including the $12.7 million Health Human Resources Strategy